Automatic environment configuration

You have your environment configured for your builds. Over time you add more and more software your product relies on. What happens when you want to update the underlying operating system to a newer version?

This is the time you want you had a checklist of the software you installed so that you can set the things up again. But the problem is even deeper. You are not sure if the software your product requires works properly on the new version of the underlying operating system. And, it would take a hell lot of time for your Ops people to prepare a machine only to find it does not work.

Luckily there are tools that help have the new machine set up automatically so that as less as possible time gets wasted.

Agile automation training

Train your team to do proper agile automation

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Auditing Software Processes

Analysing the way your team builds the software and suggesting a set of improvements to boost their productivity. Tailored for your team's experience. Made to help them grow.

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Tooling analysis

Analysis and research of the best tooling to fit your technology, processes and team experience.

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Implementing automation

We can aid or even develop the software automation for you.

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Automatic environment configuration

You have your environment configured for your builds. Over time you add more and more software your product relies on. What happens when you want to update the underlying operating system to a newer version?

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Creating build scripts

Build scripts are the thing developers hate to deal with. And this is natural for it requires a different focus than the main problem they are working over.

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